Faith and Fellowship

Sunday at the Convention was very calming. The Rotaract PreConvention was over. I know I will miss the energy generated there and I am fairly certain the Rotary Convention will be somewhat more subdued than the PreConvention.

Sunday was a day to recharge. I started the morning at the Aussie “Down Under” Breakfast. Excellent food and fellowship! I cannot express how warm and inviting the Australian people are. I then met up with David and we attended the Interfaith Service. As you know, Rotary is non-denominational and non-political. It is those precepts that have allowed Rotary to do so much around the world in places where religious or political groups are banned. However, I have always enjoyed the “religious” services Rotary provides at conventions and other international gatherings.  We heard short inspirational moments or readings from members of the Jewish, Hindu, Islamic, Buddhist and Christian faiths. We heard inspiring music from several of these faiths and, in general, meditated and/or prayed for peace throughout the world. All of these faiths, regardless of your acceptance or criticism of them, believe in one concept we can all embrace: Peace.

We then enjoyed the Opening Plenary Session. It was great to see so many Rotarians and guests celebrate together our meeting in Sydney. We were all appreciative of the Australian Prime Minister’s announcement of his country’s pledge of $100 million to Rotary’s polio eradication effort. It was great to see the flags of more than 180 nations paraded into the arena. I am sure for some in attendance, this really did make Rotary real, since we are a global force for good.

Sunday night was also our “Cowboy Cruise.” Our Rotary Zones – Zones 27 and 21b – train together in Rotary. We also vote together, selecting our Director for the Rotary International Board. So, it makes sense that we like to socialize together too. Even though we were on the Harbor in Sydney seeing some wonderful sights, most of us were content to stay inside on the boat catching up with old friends and making new ones over great food and drink.

I expect the rest of the Convention week will be more active than today. However, after having two full days of non-stop energetic fun, it was nice to relax and recharge. Conventions are designed to educate and inspire. However, I find more inspiration in the making of friendships and know that, even if we have differences of opinions, we can overcome them or look past them in the interest of maintaining and expanding those friendships. Right now, I have around forty-seven business cards from newly made friends from all around the world.